There were approximately 100 billion searches per month on Google in 2015, which comes to about 1.2 trillion a year. Yes, take a moment to digest that number. And thats just Google, add to that billions of searches on Bing (on which 20% – 33% of all searches happen) and a host of other popular & niche search engines. As far as online marketing is concerned, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are the heart & soul of it. As opposed to other mediums where you have to go looking for customers, here the customer is searching for you, or a product/service you provide. Organically getting on the top few spots of keywords relevant to your business goes a long way in letting your customers find you easily. Statistics suggest there is no point hiding on even the third page of google, barely a percent or two go there.
SEO is more than just stuffing keywords and bombarding forums with spam links of your website. That will just get you blacklisted from Google. Through On-page optimization (which happens on your website), we make sure when customer clicks on your link, they get the right information at the right place by Tags, Content & URL Optimization. Content is king. Or original content, to be specific. Not only do we have the perfect SEO writers for your website content, but they will keep generating original content for your blogs, which will not only talk about the various great things happening in your business and industry, but also keep the Search Engines happy. Off-page optimization (which happens off your website) makes sure enough links are built throughout the web, and specially on relevant discussion forums, and listing places like JustDial (which is business-generation tool in itself).
SEO, works closely with SMO (Social Media Optimization) as more often than not, its the social media pages which pop-up first in any search result, along with Google Maps for address, and even showcasing products. It would be a misfortune to miss out on this, specially since all your competitors are already doing it.
On-Page Optimization: Title Tag Optimization, Meta Tag Optimization, Alt Tags Placement, Heading Tags Optimization, Content Optimization, Url Optimization, Sitemap, Google Analytics
Off-Page Optimization: Manual Search engine submissions, Manual Directories Submission, Article Submissions, Press Release Submission, Blog Posts, Forum Postings, Social Bookmarking, Listings relevant to your business